Bringing Solar Energy to Schools

We make solar easier for schools by offering lease-to-own options with no upfront capital costs. In most cases, the lease works out to be less than what you currently pay to your energy retailer, so it’s cash positive from day one while producing your own sustainable energy and reducing your carbon footprint.

We make solar more affordable for your school

We’re a proud member of the Sustainable Energy Association New Zealand and work closely with local schools within the Enviroschools Programme to provide schools with the tools and resources to reduce power costs, increase sustainability and empower students for a brighter future.

We have also customised an energy monitoring tool that can be added to each system installed in Kura where teachers can educate their students and be actively involved with the school solar system and overall energy usage and how best to save power.

We can provide a full energy production report and an indicative quotation at no cost.

Custom Built Designs

Kura are the perfect places to install solar energy systems as they operate during the day when the sun should be shining, therefore, allowing schools to enjoy the benefits of solar power. It’s also a great way to educate tamariki about the benefits of creating sustainable energy sources.

By obtaining your school’s power bills for the past 12 months, we can design a solar system that will take care of or offset the school’s daily consumption. We will also make sure there is enough battery storage so that if there is a power cut, the school is still able to continue to operate.

Korero mai, let's talk solar together

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