Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal – $30k Funding available

April 11, 2024

solar funding

🎯 Outcome: connected community, iwi, hapῡ and marae


When Cyclone Gabrielle smashed through Te Tai Tokerau/Northland, it caused severe flooding and thousands of slips, and forced the closure of dozens of state highways and local roads, cutting entire communities off from each other.  The local community response was incredible and demonstrated our kotahitanga (unity) and resilience. 

There is a real desire for communities to be empowered to prepare for future disasters. Things that will all help communities feel safer and better able to cope like;  satellite phones, generators, containers for storing supplies and solar for backup power. 

The Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal Trust has been established to receive and distribute donations to communities, hapū, iwi and marae impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle and flooding in January and February 2023 in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, East Coast and Hawkes Bay regions and the Tararua districts. 

They have up to $30,000 funding available for projects in these areas that are community (e.g. sports clubs, community halls), iwi, hapū and/or marae led, to support cyclone impacted communities to recover. The priority is for small scale projects with a tangible benefit able to be quickly delivered.



The loss of power in our rohe (region) was substantial – we can help provide better protection against that with a hybrid solar system – solar panels, inverter and a battery (or batteries) to provide backup power during a power outage.  Or a complete Off Grid solar system with generator backup. 



To help your community group, hāpu or iwi with the funding proposal – Solartive will be offering Funding Support events next week.  In person and online – watch this space for the dates, times and locations. 



Fund opens: 20 March 2024

Fund closes: 29 May 2024


☀️Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal Trust

☀️Contact us


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